Monday, July 12, 2010


Sitting here today I have once again latched onto a thought that I have caught and released many times in the last year. In our world there is a very indefinable connection to the opposite of goodness, the epitome of badness, the Anti-Christ. This person would be very similar in many ways to Christ but with a contrary focus. Holding onto and developing this idea I realized that the Anti-Buddha, would follow a contrary path. It would work to increase suffering in the world and would condone a closed mind and a huge ego in all of us. An Anti-Buddha would blindly consume, despise compassionate interactions and attempt to build a single world view. This being would be thoughtless, aggressive, reactionary and selfish. As I imagine my version of the anti-Buddha I must first imagine the Buddha and all that the path to awakening represents. I must first see the noble truths and the eight spokes of the dharma. I must see the image of the Buddha in the light of compassion and understanding. And I found that when I did this I realized the true anti-Buddha is me. We all have Buddha nature within us, and we all have the contrary within us. We choose our path and our ability to control our interaction in the world makes the world in our image every moment of every day. So I realize that in my world there is no anti-Buddha, there is only me to take the right path and to follow the Way that has been laid out before me or not. And when I make mistakes they are my fault, though I will admit it is always easier to blame an angry ghost.

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