Thursday, April 29, 2010

De ja-vu - just another turtle

Ever feel like you’re just another turtle in a long line of turtles. When someone yells we all duck, when something bigger than us glides over we tuck our heads in our shells. When the sun moves and our place on the log is no longer warm and cozy, we have no choice but stay and wait or Jump into the water and find another log.
I’m there this morning. I had a sunny and warm spot out on the end of the log. All my turtle buddies stacked up like evening traffic behind me. Things were cozy. Then out of nowhere a loud noise, then we all see the hawk’s shadow, and the sun finally moves below the tree line and this section of the log is in the shade. So now the dilemma hits all of us at once. “Well turtles -I choose to stay”.
A couple of my buddies have dropped off in search of bright warm logs. But I’ve been here a while I am comfortable and I have the sense to realize that I don’t have any control of the sun. It’ll be out here on this log again tomorrow almost definitely.
I have seen days of rain and wind when it was more comfortable in the water. I’ve even been around when the river flooded and we all had to get out of the water and let a whole new group of logs roll by until things settled down and we had our pick of new logs to climb into the sun on. –Some turned out not so comfortable. But in the end there have always been logs, there has always been water, and there are always comfortable places in the sun where I can find myself surrounded by other turtles –lined up like afternoon traffic trying to get comfortable and stay dry as long as possible.
Metaphor for what metta is for!

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