Friday, April 30, 2010

Note to self

Have you ever received a letter -not an e-mail, a letter handwritten and personal? Doesn’t that feel good. Someone took the time to tell you something they thought you would like to know.
I have taken that one step further. Every so often I will write myself a note. I don't waste the stamp, I just put it in with bills to be paid or attach it to the Sierra Club calendar in the kitchen a few months from now. I like it to be kind of surprising when I find it. Like when you put on a winter jacket for the first time this year and find money in the pocket -that’s nice, right?
So here is my
-Note to self:
Today you will smile more. Make it a point to smile as often as possible –There are a million reasons to smile. Today you will laugh more often, if for no other reason than to be healthy, happiness is healthy.
Today you will eat less, eat healthy, and eat mindfully. Mindful of the amount. Mindful of the quality. Mindful of the origin. Today you will calmly enjoy every bite and eat no more than is filling.
Today you will be creative. You are an artist and should strive to be artistic in every aspect of your life. Today you will look at something new and artistically express it - draw, paint, design, write, and create –you are an artist.
Today you will focus inward on how healthy and fit you are. You are a vital, living, powerful person. You are much healthier than most people, focus on your how healthy you are.
Today you will allow yourself to feel worthy, and capable. You have permission to do what you have told yourself to do. You have permission and a responsibility to do these things because you are expected to do the best job that you can as Husband, Father, and Friend. You are worth making yourself better –take time to do so now.

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